NASS Stavanger 2019

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«Anticipation and Change»

The 11th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies

Stavanger, Norway, June 13–15th 2019

Venue: Department of social studies, University of Stavanger

The 11th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS XI) was hosted by University of Stavanger (UiS) and co-sponsored by Department of social studies (UiS) and «The Greenhouse: An environmental humanities initiative at University of Stavanger»

Download program from here.

Download book of abstracts here.

Download (pdf) Third call for papers


The overall theme of NASS XI is «Anticipation and change». Relevant topics include – but are not limited to – the semiotics of child development and human development in general, social change, cultural change, environmental change, ontogeny, and evolution. The anticipatory aspect implies that future studies and the power of imagination are also relevant topics, as are, potentially, learning and perception, expectation and prediction, foresight and preconception. We welcome abstract proposals that approach these topics from a semiotic perspective and encourage interdisciplinary relations between semiotics and other disciplines.

Keynote speakers:

Ingvil Hellstrand (Network for gender research, University of Stavanger): «Brave new world? Dystopia and social change in contemporary science fiction»

Jon Kvist (Institute of Society and Globalization, Roskilde School of Governance, Roskilde University): «Recent welfare reforms: Development or dismantlement of the Nordic welfare model?»

Jaan Valsiner (Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University): «The little big sign-makers: What can be learned from children for general theory of sign mediation?»

Nora Bateson (filmmaker, writer and educator, President of the International Bateson Institute): «Unnamed senses, unscripted ethics, wide angle attention.»

Eero Tarasti (Professor emeritus, University of Helsinki) «Being and transcendence – introduction to existential semiotics»

Graduate student award and grants

5-10 graduate students presenting a paper at NASS XI were supported financially by NASS, with a grant of 200 Euro each.

NASS awarded graduate student grants to financially support the participation of the NASS XI to Emelie Havemo (Linköping University, Sweden), Mauricio Sánchez Hernández (University of Oslo, Norway), Elli Marie Tragel (University of Tartu, Estonia), and Lauri Linask (University of Tartu, Estonia).

The prize (a gift card worth 300 euros, and a diploma) was awarded for the best graduate student presentation to Oscar Miyamoto for his paper, “A travel to the future: chronesthesia as anticipatory semiosis”.

Publication of selected papers

A special issue of Sign Systems Studies, “Anticipation and change”, will be published with selected papers from NASS XI. More info about the journal here:

Local organizing team

Morten Tønnessen (conference chair), Daria Segal (conference secretary)

Scientific committee (abstract evaluation)

Søren Brier (Copenhagen Business School), Luis Emilio Bruni (Aalborg University), Sara Lenninger (Kristianstad University), Juha Ojala (University of Oulu), Alin Olteanu (Kaunas University of Technology/University of Tartu), Tiit Remm (University of Tartu), Inesa Sahakyan (Université Grenoble Alpes), Aleksei Semenenko (Umeå University), Morten Tønnessen (University of Stavanger)

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